The Florapower oil press enables the production of camelina oil
In order to obtain gold of pleasure oil (Camelina sativa oil), its seeds, which contain about 30-40% oil, must be pressed. For this there are two possibilities, on the one hand by cold pressing with the help of a screw press / oil press, and on the other hand by an extraction. Extraction yields a little more oil, but it also destroys important and valuable substances contained in the seeds.
The seeds are cleaned and dried. Furthermore, the seeds are gently preheated to the pressing temperature. If the storage temperature is sufficient for mechanical pressing, the seeds are not preheated before pressing. The thus pretreated seed is added to a oil press for mechanical pressing. Gentle and efficient pressing of gold-of-pleasure seeds is carried out, for example, by means of a Florapower universal press, which de-oils the seeds both gently in cold pressing processes and particularly efficiently in hot pressing processes.
Or to obtain the oil, the seeds are first ground to a coarse mass. This sandy mass is then mixed with the same volume of water, then roasted at about 60-90° C and pressed in the next step. The oil is left to stand and then filtered through gauze. However, the keeping time of the oil is relatively short, which is due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Therefore, further processing of the seeds is done just before sale.
Ölpressen für die Verarbeitung von Leindottersamen
Valuable properties
Camelina seed oil is a semi-drying oil whose color varies from light yellow to golden yellow to light orange. It exhibits a green, herbaceous, pyrazine and slightly citrus scent, which is often reminiscent of a freshly cut meadow. Taste-wise, the oil is described as slightly spicy and reminiscent of mustard seed oil. In color and in taste, it is somewhat similar to rapeseed oil. The oil solidifies around -18 to -11°C. In contrast, at room temperature it is liquid, yet dries relatively quickly.
The fatty acid composition of camelina oil is largely made of unsaturated fatty acids, the largest portion of which is α-linoleic acid (around 37.8%). Also present are oleic acid (13.4%), linoleic acid (16%) and erucic (about 2.76%); as well as eicosenoic acid (5.33%), palmitic acid, and stearic acid (around 2-3%). Beyond this range of fatty acids, the oil also contains many volatile substances, such as various alcohols and organic acids, sterols, and tocopherols, among others. The high portions of Vitamin E and γ-tocopherol are of particular importance. The high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in camelina oil, however, unfortunately also account for its relatively brief shelf life.
Camelina oil has established itself as a versatile and effective natural product
A true miracle cure in medicine
Studies (see “Lexicon of vegetable fats and oils”) have shown that regular consumption of camelina oil increases the proportion of α-linolenic acid in serum lipids and reduces cholesterol levels at the same time.
Camelina oil has been used in folk medicine for a long time. It is said to strengthen the immune system and also have an analgesic, antiseptic and wound-healing effect. It is used to treat various ailments and illnesses, including stomach and intestinal ulcers, gastritis, colic, indigestion, bruises, abrasions, bruises, sprains, bruises, skin diseases, acne, inflammation and chilblains. It is even used to treat animals, e.g. to treat trichophytosis or wounds.
Camelina: Revolution for your industry!
Camelina oil can also be used in many ways in the technical industry. It can be used to produce soaps or paints, for example. It is also used to produce luminous, soot-free burning lamp oil. In addition, this oil is often used in oleochemistry to produce environmentally friendly polymers, lacquers, varnishes (with linseed oil) and paints, as camelina oil is one of the quick-drying oils due to its high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Discover the secret ingredient: camelina – the culinary treasure for your kitchen!
Camelina oil can be used in the kitchen in the same way as linseed oil. It is a high-quality cooking oil, especially in cold dishes, but should not be heated. The high content of α-linolenic acid and the low proportion of erucic acid (< 4%) are particularly important for nutrition.
The press cake, which is produced when the camelina seeds are pressed, can also be used. However, it is currently not approved as animal feed in Germany. This is due to constant contamination in imported camelina press cake over the last few years. However, this ban may soon be lifted if the imported cakes are re-tested. As a rule, the residual oil content in the cake is between around 8 and 17%.
In addition to their own knowledge acquired through press trials, the following sources were used to create the article:
- Öle, natürlich kaltgepresst, Basiswissen & Rezepte, Marcus Hartmann, Hädecke, 2008
- Heilende Öle, Pflanzenöle als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel, Neue Erkenntnisse, Günter Albert Ulmer Verlag Tuningen
- Lexikon der pflanzlichen Fette und Öle, Krist, Buchbauer, Klausberger, SpringerWienNewYork, 2008
- www.wikipedia.de
- en.wikipedia.org