How is grape seed oil produced?
Grape seed oil can be obtained by hot pressing as well as by chemical extraction and refining. However, if you want to produce an oil with many valuable ingredients (such as vitamin E and lecithin), cold pressing should be used to press the grape seeds. However, in order to obtain the seeds, the grapes must first be pressed into pomace. The seeds are then separated from this. The residual water content in the pips is reduced to only around 10% by indirect heating. The kernels are then pressed using screw presses. Due to the fact that the seeds only have a low oil content of approx. 12-16% and that conventional presses leave around 10-12% residual oil in the cake, quite a lot of seeds or around 800 kg of pomace are required for one liter of grape seed oil.
Oil presses for processing grape seeds
The valuable properties
The odor of cold-pressed grape seed oil ranges from odorless to sweet, woody and aldehydic. The taste of cold-pressed oil is slightly sweet and somewhat nutty, whereas hot-pressed oil has a neutral but sometimes somewhat bitter and unpleasant taste. The solidification point of grape oil is between -24 and -10°C, its melting point is around -10°C and its boiling point is only around 220°C.
The color of cold-pressed grape seed oil ranges from colorless to brown-yellow. If the oil is obtained by hot pressing, however, it is more greenish.
Shelf life of grape seed oil
Its shelf life is up to 12 months, but only if the oil is stored protected from light and refrigerated. If you prefer a more intense flavor, you should opt for grape seed oil made from red grapes.
Versatile application options
In pharmacy and medicine
Due to its many positive properties, such as its easy digestibility and anti-inflammatory effect, grape seed oil is often used in the fields of medicine and pharmacy, according to the “Lexikon der Pflanzlichen Fette und Öle”.
Other medical uses
It is not used as an antimicrobial substance and as an astringent, but is also used in the treatment of hair loss. It is used to strengthen the immune system, to stimulate muscle activity and to bring about a positive change in libido, as well as palliative treatment for signs of ageing.
Grape seed oil – a popular product in the cosmetics industry
It is also popular in this area because it is light and colorless, and also penetrates the skin well without leaving an oily film to stimulate and cleanse it. Other arguments in favor of using grape seed oil in the cosmetics industry are that it has a smoothing, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is mainly used for oily skin, combination skin with an oily tendency, blemished or dry skin and also for acne. It is also used in shampoos, sun protection products, hair conditioners and styling products, cellulite creams, in body, massage and bath oils and also as an ointment base or as a carrier oil for essential oils.
In technology
In the technical sector, grape seed oil is used for the production of soaps, varnishes and, to a limited extent, linoleum. When mixed with linseed oil, it can also be used in the production of paints, varnishes and spray paints.
Grape seed oil is becoming increasingly popular in the kitchen
Due to its health-promoting properties and its essential fatty acids, this oil is in the process of becoming a valuable oil for the kitchen. Its aromatic, slightly spicy flavor makes it versatile. For example, it can be used to season salads and sauces, with cheese and as an additive to mayonnaise and marinades. The hot-pressed oil is more suitable for frying, as it can be heated to high temperatures.
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In addition to their own knowledge acquired through press trials, the following sources were used to create the article:
- Öle, natürlich kaltgepresst, Basiswissen & Rezepte, Marcus Hartmann, Hädecke, 2008
- Heilende Öle, Pflanzenöle als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel, Neue Erkenntnisse, Günter Albert Ulmer Verlag Tuningen
- Lexikon der pflanzlichen Fette und Öle, Krist, Buchbauer, Klausberger, SpringerWienNewYork, 2008